
what we offer

  • modules that can be integrated into a monitoring system are presented.
  • The system can be integrated into any database.
  • Performance adjusted to suit the hardware.
  • Flexibly for creating alerts independent of specific technology or language method.


System for monitoring and visualizing alerts.

  • Experience in performance - Proven in the field with high data files.
  • Experience in capabilities - The proposed system has proven performance in the ability to generate complex smart alerts that lead to fast and accurate detection of events in the field and processes that save resources and money.
  • Flexibility - can work with any database both relational and non-relational DATA.
  • Simplicity - The address of the algorithm for alarms does not depend on a specific unique language, these are flexible and any code or SQL language appropriate to the customer's technology can be used.
  • Data reliability - the proposed method of monitoring the mechanism significantly reduces data loss as a result of Fire and Forget - No Talkback protocols such as UDP in SYSLOG and SNMP even at high speeds Hundreds of millions of records per minute.
  • Loading speed - the parallel and distributed data loading method allows very highrate for loading files, hundreds of millions of records per minute.


System for monitoring and visualizing alerts.

  • website monitor - Robot for monitoring websites and applications, Comparison with what should be received or vice versa (what is considered a problem if received) is done by identifying an image for specific parts of the screen.
  • syslog or Snmp - Monitoring syslog and snmp messages, Upload database to create real-time alerts and Data Files files for uploading history for long-term processing to a BIG DATA array.
  • Mapping snmp requests - Mapping networks by snmp Sends SNMP messages to network elements The data is loaded into a database to create real-time alerts and Data Files files for uploading history for long-term processing into a BIG DATA set.
  • IOT HTTP/S - API processes for data collection in different systems The data is loaded into a database to create real-time alerts and Data Files files for uploading history for long-term processing into a BIG DATA set.
  • Networks Packages - Network traffic monitoring, Network monitoring by listening to Port Mirroring / TAP points, Monitoring is performed using predefined filters to receive specific network traffic data.

Upload Multiple files

Parallel upload of files to database

  • Mechanism for loading Data Files data into a database.
  • The ability to simultaneously load data that includes control and monitoring of the loading rate.
  • Data loading includes determining the structure of the data, data integrity, and calculations and logic while loading.
  • Enriching and Validation data from enrichment tables while loading (high-performance memory tables).
  • Upload to various relational or non-relational databases.
  • Option to provide GUI for viewing uploaded data.

Export Alarms

Data control and Export Alarms

  • Alarm creation mechanism that includes data control - which prevents the creation of inaccurate alarms when data is missing.
  • Rules for rising and falling alarms by: Thresholds / Threshold-Period / times / algorithms.
  • Built-in parameters for activating or deactivating alarms that include the definition of various logical instances.
  • Options to produce correlation based on lower level alarms.
  • Maximum flexibility to create complex alarms independently using code written in any language and technology.
  • Distribute the alarms by email or SMS or transfer them to another system using either protocol.

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Analysis and correlation alarms

correlation alarms and systemic vision

Counter analysis - Creating counters and dashboard display.

  • Mechanism for generating data aggregation counters for Building high-level alarms,dynamic graphs,Reports
  • Counters include data control - which prevents the creation of inaccurate counters when data is missing.
  • Graphical representation for system wide visibility of all the alarms in real-time.
  • Ability to zoom-in/out to further investigate specific events.
  • Ability to export data for further analysis.

Our Products

products for collecting, processing, and distribution of smart alarms.


Our Products

Upload Multiple Files

Parallel upload of files to database

website monitor

Robot for monitoring websites and applications

syslog Snmp

Monitoring syslog and snmp messages

Mapping snmp requests

Mapping networks by snmp

Networks Packages

Network traffic monitoring


APIs interfaces

Export Alarms

Data control and Export Alarms

Counter analysis

Creating counters and dashboard display

Analysis and correlation alarms

correlation alarms and systemic vision


What we've done

  • All
  • Graph
  • Architecture
  • logic

Architecture 1


Graph 1


Architecture 2


logic 1


logic 2


logic 3


Graph 2


Graph 3


Graph 4


logic 4


Graph 5


Graph 6


Graph 8


Architecture 3



service for customers

  • Awebsite Monitor
  • Monitoring syslog and snmp messages
  • Mapping networks by snmp
  • APIs interfaces
  • Network traffic monitoring
  • Upload Multiple files
  • Counter analysis
  • Export Alarms
  • Analysis and correlation alarms


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The systems are flexible and can be easily integrated into existing ones without the need for development to connect to data files or streaming data without touching the sender side.

  • The UMF charging system adapts to work against any database, also the EA system for creating unlimited alarms and will work with any database.

  • Our tools have high performance that prevents loss of information. In addition, you can choose from a list of tools suitable for building a system that is capable of producing smart alerts that cannot be produced with free tools, such as correlation from different sources.

  • Our tools are adapted to work with a large amount of data and know how to work in a distributed and accepting manner You can add receiving servers or charging servers as required.

  • We have expertise in the field and proven experience in the field and what we provide in relation to investment, feasibility.

  • We will provide support from the beginning of the engagement, assistance in setting up in the field, testing, training and support. It is important to us that our customers are satisfied.


Our Hardworking Team

    We have 15 years of experience in the monitoring communication systems and Big Data, including implementation in a large telecommunications company in Israel.


Contact Us


Gan Yavne , Israel


+972 506778230

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